Introduction to the Module
ARC60804 Architecture History and Theory, is one of the core modules for this programme. The purpose of this module is to help strengthen students’ understanding of architectural theory through architectural language and contextual relationships. This module also allows students to examine a detailed account of principal developments in the western world from ancient times as well as examine architecture history through a chronological survey of the developments of Western architecture which have influenced architectural design.
Each assignment assigned in this module have their own learning outcomes. For assignment 1. the learning outcome is to allow students to use appropriate visual and verbal architectural vocabulary when referring to building types, series and periods. For the second assignment, the learning outcome allows students to show the appropriate sequence of historical periods and how they are represented architecturally. For the final examination, the learning outcome allows students to discover the way in which many varied factors contribute to the development of form, and lastly for the e-portfolio, the learning outcome allows students to reflect learning and self-reflection through written documentation.